Wednesday, January 7, 2015

STL Executives Weekly Recognition: Jeff Farrah

Name: Jeff Farrah

Hometown: Winfield, MO

Start Date with STLX: July, 3rd 2014

What is your greatest strength?
I am extremely positive and personable with a great work ethic and desire to succeed.

Favorite place to Travel: Tikal, Guatemala

What is your favorite part about working at STL Executives?
The opportunity the company provides me and the people that share that opportunity with me. 

Favorite Quote: 
“It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than now.”

Fun Fact:
I am probably the best strategic monopoly player I know.
Favorite STL Executives memory?
Watching a large scale promotion and the emotion and pride that poured from the individual receiving the promotion.

Who would you like to thank?
All of my STL Executive cohorts, my roommates for their support and my family and friends for everything they do for me!

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