A successful entrepreneur isn't concerned only with the bottom line. Profit is important, of course, as it drives how a business operates. However, to become a leader in your niche, you have to impact others, whether on the local or the global level. When you successfully frame your mission around how your business will serve others, you will have what it takes to impact people and communities, and probably a pretty successful business as well.
1. Serving Others
When you first dreamed up an idea for your business--whether you planned to sell a product or a service--what sparked that idea? Chances are, you saw a problem that you could solve. Somewhere along the way, many entrepreneurs shift their focus to how their ideal customers can serve their business, and end up spending their time chasing down those elusive "A" clients.
However, if you keep your goals focused on serving others with your business, then the ideal clients will come to you. The real question is, how do you implement this practice of serving others?
2. Visualization
Meditation, daydreaming, visualizing, imagining--whatever you call it, spending 10 or 15 minutes each morning thinking about how your business can serve others will help you keep this perspective in mind. Try to imagine someone coming into your store or visiting your website. Create a narrative for him or her. Why did this potential customer come to you? What do you offer that no one else can? Visualize helping this potential customer, as though you had all the money in the world and making a sale were not important.
The days of becoming the type of salesperson who can "sell ice to an Inuit" are over. Successful businesses serve their clients, not the other way around. Keep this meditation in mind as you work throughout the day, and you will find ideal clientsrepeatedly drawn to your product or service.
3. Goal Setting
What does success mean to you? If you wish to impact people, communities, and the world, then your definition of success should include how your business servesothers--how it fulfills their needs. After your morning meditation, write out your business goals for that day. How will your company serve others? Set realistic goals and outline action steps to achieve them. Then share them with your team so that they understand the goals and objectives.
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