Sunday, September 7, 2014

STL Executives Summer Internship Wrap up


As summer ends our summer intern, Stephanie will be heading back to school for the year!  We would like to thank her for all of her hard work and hope she learned a lot this summer!

Name: Stephanie Sanchez

School: Saint Louis University
Major: International Business – Minor: Spanish

Favorite Class: Americans Abroad – American Studies Course

5 Things you never leave the house without:
I never leave, or well attempt to never leave home, without my cellphone, sunglasses, water bottle, a pen and most importantly, a snack.

Career Plans:
My long-term career goals include that of owning or running my own company as well as doing business abroad.

Most Valuable Lesson Learned:
You cannot be successful and content without passion. Passion drives and motivates you each and every day. Without it, you become stagnant and complacent, never leading you to achieve your goals and dreams.

Favorite Summer with STL Executives Memory:
Picking one memory above all the others is difficult. One that really stands out to me was that of the Team Night where we as a group fashioned a feast of breakfast foods for dinner. The Oklahoma City crew was in town and joined in the fun with music and culinary talent. Every moment of cooking as a team, whether it was that night or any of the previous pasta nights, was always a blast and something that made my experience with STL Executives unique.

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