Wednesday, July 9, 2014

STL Executives Weekly Recognition: Lindsay Witzel

Name: Lindsay Witzel

Hometown: Centralia, IL

Start Date with STLX: June 2nd, 2014

Biggest Strength: Student Mentality

Favorite Part of working at STLXL:
Atmosphere. My coworkers are great and always helpful.

Favorite STLX Memory: 
Office night lazer-tag

In five years, you will find me...
Owning my own company.

Favorite Place to Travel:

Favorite Quote: 
Every morning you wake up with two choices - stay asleep with dreams or wake up and chase them.

Fun Fact:
My mom zipped off my belly button when I was 5. It was an outtie, now its an innie. 

I'd like to thank...
Joe and Brandan for helping me achieve my goals.

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