Tuesday, March 17, 2015

STL Executives Weekly Recognition: Shantel Sheppard

Name: Shantel Sheppard

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Start Date with STLX: February, 11th 2015

What is your greatest strength?
My student mentality and My Smile!

Favorite place to Travel: Anywhere above 90 F on a beach; I don't need much.

What is your favorite part about working at STL Executives?
The fact that everyone wants you to succeed.

Favorite Quote: 
“I believe all girls are born with glitter in their veins!” :)

Fun Fact:
My favorite color is pink!
Favorite STL Executives memory?
The way we all support each other with motivation, calls, and praise! 

Who would you like to thank?
STL Executives for the opportunity and everyone who has helped me.

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